Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chapter 2--The Countdown begins Part 2

Well, like I said fate has finally dealt me a good hand. But that has never happened before, so I just couldn't help but think that something would go wrong, and i wouldn't be able to get on my trip! My sister and I booked our trip in November 2007 to go for 7 days in January 2008. I found a great deal online that gave us airfare, park hopper tickets for the time of our stay and hotel at the Disney resort "POP Century" all for less that $1000.00. How could you pass that up!? Well, we didn't! We made arrangements for our kids with other family members and all was set. My birthday rolled around in December, but everyone kept telling me they thought I'd be more excited. Truth be told I was afraid to get my hopes up.

As I mentioned before, I live in Newfoundland. A small island on the east coast of Canada, and we are known for our harsh weather. Planning a trip during the winter is a hit and miss. We were going for seven days. Would our plan get out? If it did, would we get out of Toronto? Our one and only stop over. The weather in Toronto Ontario Canada isn't very predictable either. I had myself convinced that we would have the blizzard of the year the day before or the day of our flight, and If we got out of Newfoundland, we had Toronto weather to contend with too. I am not known for my good luck, as a matter of fact, more than one of my friends have said to me--if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. People wondered when I would start getting excited, well, I figured I'd have to be on the plane over Florida before it really hit me, or before I felt safe enough to get excited.

So, as the countdown went one, a few glitches hit. First, the family member who was supposed to take my daughter wasn't able to do it after all... Yikes, didn't know what to do, except for my sister, who was coming with me, I didn't know who to ask. Circumstances surrounding my divorce left he father out of the question. For a while, it looked like she would have to come with. Of course, the deal we found was no longer available, spending money would then be an issue, and airfare had gotten very high. OK,,panic is setting in. But thank heavens my brother and sister in law was able to help, taking on my pre teen along with their three pre schoolers. They are brave souls, I'll give them that.

OK, one crisis out of the way. Weather is now my only concern. Winter started early that year, usually we don't have our first snow fall until well after new year. This time, November was the start date, and heavy dumping's at that. By the time January rolled around, we were all very sick of winter, and my sister and I were looking forward to seeing the sun, and warm temperatures. We were averaging a storm a week. And I was convinced weather was going to keep me from my magical Disney vacation. So much so, that we called the airlines to get their policy on weather related cancellations and insurances. Looked like we were going to simply be out the money. But worse, the disappointment.

Well, we came to one week to go - and i started packing. I took out all my summer cloths, and carefully chose what outfits I wanted to wear. I was going to take a ridiculous amount of pictures, and I didn't want to look like an out of place tourist. So I picked some of the nicest things I had. I was determined to look my best, even on the roller coasters! I really didn't have any idea of what the weather was really going to be like. Its Florida right! Sunny, warm ... Lets see, skorts..looks like a skirt, but the comfort of shorts. Pretty tanks, pretty colors, coordinating jewelry, yup, I think I'm all sent. The night before, I settle my little girl away with her grandparents for the first night, then on to her uncle and aunt. Then I go home to wait. My flight leaves at 6 am, and right now, is too calm. There is snow on the way.

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